穩壓器 (電壓調整器)

There are 2 types of regulators depending on phase of wave. It is normally connected with AC generator to regulate the electrical power charging to battery. In case of burning or overheat the battery even whole vehicle, this component is essential to check regularly if you regulator is working well.

J25 Regulator
Part No J25 Series
Regulated method Single phase
Charging voltage/current 14.5V/10A
Application For 2 wheels vehicles
Description Placed after resistor (TY 025 Series) and ACG.
Part No J23 Series
Regulated method Single phase/ triple phase
Charging voltage/current 14.5/15A
Application For 2 wheels vehicles
Description Placed after resistor (TY 025 Series) and ACG.
Part No J23C
Regulated method Triple phase
Charging voltage/current 14.5/25A
Application For 2/4 wheels vehicles
MANY 100/110
勁戰 125/馬車 150